
 I know that there a lot of modellers who spend days weeks, creating characters, but if you want one quick then MakeHuman is an excellent program as the screenshot suggests you can even create fantasy characters with just a few mouse clicks and for a bonus the figure is fully poseable I have not put this on the site because of size download is 44Meg so you can get it at http://makehuman.org

Magical Snap - 2007.06.13 21.09 - 001

This is Daz studio1.5 which is free plus there is some free content on the website which I downloaded first.Imports are Poser and Wavefront...but obviously Daz want you to download their models. You can get it at http://Daz3d.com

I am Now using Kerkythea as my main renderer as opposed to Anim8or as this provides me with real raytracing Render times are much longer though, and if you want animation then its really a case of positioning several cameras which do the work, so I still use anim8or for anims at the moment! plus of course object making! Yo can get Kerkythea at http://kerkythea.net Check out the Gallery for some Kerkythea renders.

LATEST UPDATE. Povray and Bishop 3D Got it to work Hurrah!....Screenshot of Bishop Modeller below ..don`t forget Pov Ray is text orientated Ray Tracer

It took me just over two days to get this low poly Blackbird into Bishop 3D although it is a conversion from a 3DS model on this site, I converted it again to Pov-Ray using PoseRay To place into Bishop Modeller, The Pov Ray produced script worked fine in PovRay and rendered straight away, However, Bishop would not, and I had endless trouble trying to get the script accepted! still I got it in, in the end! but now bishop will not let me render the new script exported.

 This is quite a long learning curve but, I am going to keep on with this program as it has the ability to do animation with raytracing!Bishop3D is a BETA test version and has regular bug fixes and updates

OpenFX another Modeller/animation piece of software Heres a couple of animations done with it>



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